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HD 4420: Why the Secrecy Speaker Mariano?
Call Your Representatives NOW

HD 4420 is not going away anytime soon, and House Leadership continues to want to make gunowners felons in the state. As opposition to HD 4420 continue to grow, House Leadership is ignoring the voices of gunowners, firearm industry members, law enforcement and the citizens of Massachusetts.

Today and tomorrow, House Leadership has scheduled closed door discussions amongst their caucus to essentially try to ram through this onerous legislation. NSSF is asking everyone to keep up the pressure this week as it is paramount in slowing down the process.

Over the weekend, more law enforcement agencies expressed their concern with the bill, and they specifically point out how it only seeks to punish legal gunowners with next to nothing in it to stem violence in the cities. NSSF implores everyone to continue the calls to the state house and don’t allow them to fast track the complete destruction of the Second Amendment.

As many of you are already aware, last week the MA Chiefs of Police Association Firearms Committee expressed their strong opposition to the bill in its entirety. Reach out to your local police department and ask them to follow the lead of the MA Chiefs of Police, and the Plymouth and Ware Police Chiefs.

NSSF® will keep you updated as this fluid process continues. Don’t stand by and do nothing – make your voices heard and express your opposition today!


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