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Disastrous NY Background Check System
NSSF Needs to Hear From You

Throughout the entire process NSSF® and the retailers we represent knew that New York becoming a point of contact state would be disastrous and after yesterday we have been proven right. NSSF has already heard numerous horror stories relating to the inability to conduct transactions for both firearms and ammunition. The examples range from an FFL employee with a NYS permit who recently purchased a handgun but was subsequently denied an ammunition purchase yesterday. We have also heard a recently retired high ranking state police officer being delayed when purchasing ammunition. If the goal was to completely destroy our industry they are doing a great job.

NSSF is asking to please send us examples and stories of the impacts to your business. We will try to reach out to New York state and see if they want to address any of the issues. We need your input to help with this matter. Please contact us immediately through this form. Your information will remain private we are only seeking examples and their impacts on your business.

NSSF has and will continue to encourage New York state to make sure they have contingency plans in place for the delays and impacts to your business. Again please contact us with these issues.


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National Shooting Sports Foundation