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Delaware Alert: Proposed Firearm Ordinances in New Castle County

Currently there are two ordinances, 24-084 and 24-085, under consideration in New Castle County that firearm retailers need to be aware of. If passed, they will impact current and future retail operations. Dealers in surrounding areas should be aware that similar ordinances may be proposed in their jurisdictions.

Proposed ordinance 24-084 restricts where future firearm retail businesses can be located within the county. Specifically, firearm retail businesses will not be permitted within 500 feet of a residential area, 1,000 feet of a school, daycare, or park, and not within 1,500 feet of another firearm retail establishment.

Proposed ordinance 24-085 creates new security requirements for firearm retail businesses in the county. The ordinance states: “Firearm retail business buildings shall be constructed in accordance with this Code and shall contain all the following:

  1. Equipment to video record the interior and exterior of the premises.
  2. A security alarm system that is continually monitored.
  3. Bars, security screens, commercial grade metal doors, grates, or other physical barriers approved by the Code Official are installed on all exterior doors and windows to prevent unauthorized entry.
  4. If practicable, physical barriers designed to prevent the use of motor vehicles to breach all buildings where firearms are stored.”

Firearm retailers are encouraged to contact council members and attend future public hearings.

Additional information can be found here.


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