NSSF Member Alert

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Colorado's Extreme Gun Control Bill Moving Forward

QR CodeColorado legislators who support a sweeping and extreme gun control package are moving forward and pushing the most sweeping proposed gun ban in the history of the state, and potentially the nation.

NSSF® urges ALL firearm and ammunition industry members to join us and do all they can to spread the word to oppose this extreme attack on Second Amendment rights.

Please forward this email alert and share it with ALL of your Colorado contacts. Print the QR code below and post it in your business. We need to act now.

More Actions You Can Take to Oppose Colorado SB 3:

  1. Go here to oppose the Colorado Gun Ban
  2. Read about the bill here
  3. Print the fact sheet
  4. Sign up to testify in opposition of SB 3
  5. Contact lawmakers and tell them this bill is wrong for Colorado.

Don’t Forget to Print Off the QR Code Above and Post it All Over Your FFL!

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National Shooting Sports Foundation